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Frequently asked questions about Botox for laugh lines, crow’s feet, and other wrinkles and folds of the face

Dr. M. Christine Lee is a dedicated professional who helps men and women look and feel their best. When it comes to laugh lines, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, and other signs of aging on the face, she may recommend the benefits of Botox injections to her patients. Below are some frequently asked questions about Botox injections often heard at The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute of Walnut Creek, California.

Botox For Laugh Lines in Walnut Creek CA Area

What is Botox?

Botox, also known as Botulinum Toxin Type A, is a muscle relaxant that, when injected into the muscles, helps reduce and soften fine lines and wrinkles. It is a cosmetic treatment that disrupts the communication between nerves and muscles to stop them from contracting.

Since 2002, the FDA has approved Botox for treating moderate to severe glabellar lines, better known as frown lines, and by 2013, it was also validated for addressing crow’s feet. The effects of this minimally invasive treatment can hold on for up to six months, depending on the product and the targeted region.

How does Botox work?

With Botox injections, signals from your nerves to the muscles get blocked, specifically those that result in muscle contraction. Generally, muscle contraction is what makes wrinkles appear more visible. However, when your muscles can’t contract due to Botox, wrinkles tend to soften and become less noticeable. Moreover, the suppression of muscle activity can significantly contribute to preventing the creation of new wrinkles.

How long do the results of Botox injections last?

Typically, Botox effects persist for about three or four months. For this reason, we suggest you consider a follow-up session after this period, during which our experienced practitioners will guide you.

How do I extend the results of my Botox injections?

Those who have been administered Botulinum Toxin consistently for an extended period manage to instinctively retrain their muscles to decrease their activity. As a consequence, the muscles cease to cause wrinkle-inducing movements as often as they used to. Moreover, these muscles also tend to weaken, which in turn prolongs the outcome.

What is the cost of Botox for facial injections?

The variance in costs across different clinics is usually influenced by several elements, including:

  • The practitioner’s expertise and level of education
  • The standards of the facility and the equipment in use
  • The extent of consultation and post-treatment care provided

Who can I call in the area of Walnut Creek, California, to discuss the advantages of Botox for laugh lines, crow’s feet, and other imperfections?

Dr. M. Christine Lee and her team at The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute work alongside patients to ensure they have access to solutions for their appearance and self-confidence. Fighting the signs of aging is easy with Botox injections, and we are here to assist. Call (925) 528-0117 to request an upcoming consultation with our team at 370 North Wiget Lane, Suite #125.

Dr. Christine Lee

Dr. Min-Wei Christine Lee

Dr. Christine Lee is a Board-certified Dermatologist with sub-specialties in laser surgery, cosmetic surgery, Mohs Micrographic Surgery, facial plastic reconstruction, and dermatologic surgery. She leads The Skin And Laser Treatment Institute as its Director and serves as Clinical Faculty for the Department of Dermatologic Surgery at the University of California San Francisco. Patients travel from across the globe for her expertise, and Dr. Lee has trained thousands of stateside and international doctors.

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