Technology allows for comfortable fat reduction without surgery in Walnut Creek
Dr. Christine Lee is not only trained and experienced in delivering non-invasive procedures; such as Vanquish, but she also travels the globe to share her knowledge with other medical professionals. Patients from around the world travel to Dr. Lee as well, trusting their health and appearance to her expertise.
Few procedures get as “non-invasive” as Vanquish. The device that delivers the “fat-flushing power” never touches you, the patient. This approach adds to your comfort and minimizes discomfort following the procedure.
Vanquish may be an option if you have fat around the belly, waist, back, arms, and other areas. The fat that develops in these areas is often resistant to diet and exercise. In the past, if this excess was troublesome, you either had to adjust to your new shape or undergo surgical procedures.
Not everyone is a candidate for surgery nor does every patient want to go under the knife in the name of a slimmer physique. Vanquish strikes the balance by effectively treating trouble spots safely and comfortably – without the risks and long recovery associated with surgical procedures.

What is this non-surgical slimming procedure?
The science behind Vanquish is based off of the idea that fat cells respond to outside stimuli, such as heat. Vanquish technology delivers targeted heat to trouble spots in the form of radiofrequency energy (radio waves). Other non-surgical procedures are designed to treat fat via the application of cool temperature.
Since the Vanquish applicator delivering this energy never touches your skin, damage to delicate tissues is eliminated. The non-invasive nature of this procedure limits side effects and discomfort. Patients have compared the sensation of heat to a stone massage.
The real magic happens in the months following treatment. Targeted heat destroys fat cells safely. This is a gradual process. The cells are eliminated from the body over time. With “traditional” weight loss fat cells shrink. They are not eliminated so you can develop excess in the same areas again.
Vanquish has the added benefit of tightening. Think of how some areas of the body, such as behind the arms, may be more fleshy than flabby. Selective heating via RF energy stimulates the production of collagen. Your body makes less of this firming protein naturally as you get older. Since Vanquish can target skin laxity as well as fat, it is an effective treatment for loose tissues.
Vanquish is just one of many options for tightening and fat reduction without surgery in Walnut Creek. To find out more, schedule an appointment at The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute. Call (925) 528-0117.

Dr. Min-Wei Christine Lee
Dr. Christine Lee is a Board-certified Dermatologist with sub-specialties in laser surgery, cosmetic surgery, Mohs Micrographic Surgery, facial plastic reconstruction, and dermatologic surgery. She leads The Skin And Laser Treatment Institute as its Director and serves as Clinical Faculty for the Department of Dermatologic Surgery at the University of California San Francisco. Patients travel from across the globe for her expertise, and Dr. Lee has trained thousands of stateside and international doctors.Share this Article
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