How to remove unwanted fat with Vanquish treatment in Walnut Creek, CA
Men and women who are struggling with unwanted fat on their bodies that does not respond well to changes in diet and exercise may think the only way to remove this unwanted fat is with plastic surgery solutions. Fortunately, patients have access to a noninvasive methodology that provides results without the need for surgical treatment. This solution is known as Vanquish.

How to remove unwanted fat with Vanquish treatment in Walnut Creek, CA
Vanquish is a revolutionary way of using radio frequency energy to break down fat cells. The body then naturally flushes the unwanted fat cells through the body via the lymphatic system. Fat cells are then permanently destroyed in the treatment area and will not return. This makes it a wonderful way for patients to address unwanted fat in areas such as the abdomen which is often where stubborn fat deposits stay. Improving the stomach area often gives patients more attractive body contours which can improve overall self-confidence and self-esteem.
What can patients expect from Vanquish?
The Vanquish device is a series of panels that are placed above the midsection area. The device never actually touches the skin but administers the energy to the body. Most patients experience a warming sensation while they rest on the treatment table during their sessions. After their treatment, they get dressed and go about their day without any interruption. This makes Vanquish a perfect solution for patients with busy schedules who cannot undergo plastic surgery due to the recovery time and healing needed to get back to their normal activities. Vanquish is fast, easy, and painless!
Who is a candidate for Vanquish?
Both adult men and women are able to ask their dermatologist, Dr. Christine Lee, about the advantages of using Vanquish when diet and exercise have failed to provide the results they desire. Most patients who are within a relatively healthy weight and are interested in contouring the body can benefit from this type of treatment. Patients are urged to call The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute to schedule a consultation appointment with the doctor during which patients can ask about this or other solutions available at the practice for the treatment of unwanted fat in the midsection. By avoiding plastic surgery, patients can avoid the cost and recovery needed to achieve similar results. Many patients are excited to learn that they can address their unwanted abdominal fat with the use of radio frequency treatments instead of surgical intervention and are often interested in moving forward with this type of body contouring solution. Patients may also decide to learn about other options available for the treatment of abdominal fat including Ultherapy and SmartLipo-treatments also available at the practice of Dr. Christine Lee.
What are the benefits of Vanquish treatment?
Dr. Christine Lee describes the many
advantages of using Vanquish radio frequency energy to target fat on the
body, especially in the midsection area. Vanquish is:
- Fast – patients love how little time they need for the actual treatment, and how quickly they will see the results.
- Easy – patients visit the office and rest on the table while Vanquish works its magic on unwanted fat on the abdominal area.
- Affordable – many patients find that Vanquish is not only less expensive than plastic surgery, but incredibly affordable even if they book several treatment sessions over time.
- Safe – the Vanquish device has been cleared by the FDA and is tested as safe and effective for patients to utilize in achieving better body contours.
- No recovery time – because Vanquish does not require actual surgical treatment, patients are able to go about their day following their sessions without dealing with recovery or healing time.
- No side effects – patients love the ability to achieve results without side effects or risk of infection or scarring.
Schedule an appointment to learn more about this noninvasive solution to unwanted fat
If you are ready to discuss Vanquish treatment with a dermatological professional in the area of Walnut Creek, CA, we encourage you to make an appointment with Dr. Christine Lee and her team of The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute. Patients can visit the office in Suite 125 at 370 North Wiget Lane or call the practice for an appointment at (925) 528-0117.

Dr. Min-Wei Christine Lee
Dr. Christine Lee is a Board-certified Dermatologist with sub-specialties in laser surgery, cosmetic surgery, Mohs Micrographic Surgery, facial plastic reconstruction, and dermatologic surgery. She leads The Skin And Laser Treatment Institute as its Director and serves as Clinical Faculty for the Department of Dermatologic Surgery at the University of California San Francisco. Patients travel from across the globe for her expertise, and Dr. Lee has trained thousands of stateside and international doctors.Share this Article
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