Reclaim Radiant, Healthy Skin with PRP in Walnut Creek, CA!

The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute offers PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). This highly effective therapy harnesses your body’s proteins and growth factors, combined with microneedling, to promote youthful, vibrant skin.

By Dr. Christine Lee

What is PRP?

Platelets are a particle in our blood’s plasma.

While their primary function is to clot blood, they also contain proteins called growth factors that help heal injuries.

They have been used to treat sports injuries for a while, but their skin rejuvenation benefits were discovered only recently.

The Procedure

Harvesting plasma platelets from the withdrawn blood

Preparing the skin by cleansing it and applying a topical anesthetic

Making micro-injuries on the face with a microneedling pen to stimulate collagen production

Applying PRP to penetrate the skin to maximize its healing and revitalization

The Result

Tighter, firmer skin with better tone and texture

The skin can retain more moisture, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles will be reduced.

Contact Us


to book your consultation with Dr. M. Christine Lee of  The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute in Walnut Creek, CA, to learn more about PRP therapy.