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Patients enjoy safety, comfort, and other benefits of Ulthera treatment in the Bay Area

Ulthera treatment in the Bay Area

Bay Area residents with lax skin can get a “lift” without having to go under the knife, thanks to the latest technologies in the capable hands of Dr. Christine Lee and her team at The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute. Dr. Lee has not only harnessed medical advances for the benefit of her patients, but she has driven medical advances to non-surgically lift and tighten skin with lasers. Other non-invasive treatments have been introduced using controlled application of cool temperatures and Radio frequency energy to sculpt flabby or fleshy areas. Both RF energy and laser beams deliver heat to tighten … Continue reading

San Francisco patients can enjoy a variety of body contouring benefits with Ultherapy treatments

San Francisco patients can enjoy a variety of body contouring benefits with Ultherapy

Although many patients associate ultrasound energy with viewing an unborn baby, it can be used for a variety of other medical purposes. Ultherapy is an FDA-approved treatment that delivers ultrasound energy to specific areas of the body to tighten, tone, and reduce fat without surgery. Many patients in the San Francisco area who visit Dr. Christine Lee of The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute are interested in learning more about this revolutionary method of fighting the signs of aging on the face and contouring various areas of the body without invasive treatments. Many patients who have considered tummy tucks and … Continue reading

San Francisco area dermatologist reviews the benefits of Ulthera treatment

Dermatologist reviews the benefits of Ulthera treatment

Dr. Christine Lee of San Francisco offers a variety of skin services through her state-of-the-art facility at The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute One of the most popular treatments is Ulthera, a skin-tightening treatment that uses ultrasound energy to firm, tone, and increase collagen production. Ulthera has a number of benefits. Dr. Christine Lee consults with patients to review these advantages and help them determine if Ulthera treatment is right for them. No Downtime One of the biggest draws of Ulthera is the fact that no downtime is needed. Recovery and healing are not required for Ulthera, as the ultrasound … Continue reading

At what age can a CA patient receive Ulthera treatment?

Suitable age for Ulthera treatment

As we age, we begin to show signs of skin laxity. The skin may begin to sag on the face, resulting in the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. It can have a negative effect on the appearance, making an individual look tired and not as young and vibrant as they once were. However, most patients do not feel that the condition is far enough progressed to require plastic surgery treatment such as a face-lift. The idea of a drastic, invasive procedure with weeks of downtime does not fit into everyone’s schedule and may not always be necessary. Instead, many … Continue reading

What can a Lafayette area patient expect during Ultherapy treatment?

Ultherapy treatment, CA

Patients in the Lafayette area who are seeking a solution to poor skin laxity without undergoing a surgical procedure such as a face-lift often consider the benefits of Ultherapy treatment. Dr. Lee, of The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute offers Ultherapy for patients who want to tighten, tone, and lift the skin on specific areas of the body. Ultherapy is an FDA-cleared treatment that utilizes ultrasound energy to target deeper layers of the skin to address sagging, loose skin. Patients typically enjoy using Ultherapy on aging areas of the body, including the face and neck. This non-surgical treatment is a … Continue reading

What results can Walnut Creek area patients expect with Ultherapy treatment?

Results of Ultherapy treatment

Patients in the Walnut Creek area can seek firmer, more toned skin is with Ultherapy, a revolutionary way for patients to tighten their skin and reduce skin laxity without going under the knife for surgical treatments. Using ultrasound energy that targets deep into the skin for precise results, Ultherapy can provide beneficial results in as little as two months. Ultherapy works by stimulating the production of collagen. By boosting this natural protein, patients experience more youthful skin and improved elasticity. After patients reach the age of 30, they begin to lose collagen, which can result in sagging, loose skin. Ultherapy … Continue reading

Can East Bay area patients enjoy skin tightening with Ultherapy?

Skin tightening with Ultherapy

After the age of 30, we begin to lose collagen. Collagen is a natural protein that occurs in our body to help keep our skin looking youthful and firm. The loss of collagen results in decreased elasticity of the skin and reduces its ability to withstand gravity. This results in loose, sagging skin on the face and neck. Thankfully, medical advances allow us to use ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production and allow the skin on the face and neck to become firmer and tighter. This treatment is called Ultherapy skin tightening. Dr. Lee, of the East Bay area, offers … Continue reading

Bay Area patients ask what they can benefit from with Ulthera treatment

Benefits of Ultherapy treatment

Patients struggling with loose, sagging skin on the face may feel as though there is no way to address these unwanted signs of aging without having to undergo surgery. While a face-lift is a way of improving the appearance of the skin, it is not always the best option. Many patients do not want to go “under the knife,” because of risks and disadvantages of surgical treatment. Instead, Dr. Christine Lee of The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute in the Bay area provides another option to achieve similar results: Ulthera. Ulthera is a device that emits ultrasound energy to tighten, … Continue reading

Why might patients in San Francisco consider Ultherapy treatment?

Patients in San Francisco consider Ultherapy treatment

The signs of aging can wreak havoc on specific areas of the body, including the face. Skin begins to droop and fine lines and wrinkles start to form. Adult patients often visit Dr. Christine Lee of The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute to find out if there is a non-invasive way to address these problems. While face-lift surgery is often done for severe cases of skin laxity, many patients do not want to deal with the downtime and risks involved. Instead, patients in the San Francisco areas can seek an alternative solution called Ultherapy treatment. Ultherapy is an FDA-cleared device … Continue reading

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