A number of individuals suffer from psoriasis, an autoimmune disease that takes form on your skin. It is a common dermatological issue that many patients may complain of because of its unsightly appearance. Depending on the form of psoriasis, it may appear as scaly red and white patches of skin, or appear as a “bubbly” rash. It can appear anywhere on the body, and can make individuals that suffer from psoriasis feel very uneasy and self-conscious about their body. It affects everyone, individuals of all ages, and both men and women. There is currently no cure for those suffering from psoriasis, but there are various ways to manage it and keep it from getting out of hand and spreading.

Though this is a chronic, lifelong condition, there are ways to treat
it. While some can use topical creams and medications to address their
psoriasis, others may find benefits with another option that is becoming
more and more popular: the treatment of psoriasis with ultraviolet
(UV) light therapy. UV light is present in natural sunlight which can
help psoriasis but artificial UV lamps and lasers are a more targeted
way of treating the condition. There are two types of UV light: UVA
and UVB. UVA requires the use of a chemical called psoralen and causes
increased hypersensitivity to the sun. UVB is the preferred method of
treating psoriasis. Dr. Lee has both available at her center but
recommends UVB light treatment either delivered by a light box or laser.
A UV light box treatment for psoriasis is a way of safely and
effectively treating large parts of the body with a measured and
concentrated amount of UV light similar to that present in natural
sunlight, to help slow down the abnormal growth of skin cells present in
psoriasis and thereby improving the appearance of the skin and
decreasing the symptoms of psoriasis. This is also called ultraviolet
phototherapy, and many individuals have found it to be extremely
successful and effective in treating their skin concerns. The amount of
UV light used to treat a patient through a UV light box is determined
based on their skin type and the severity of their psoriasis. The UV
light box is best for patients who have psoriasis over multiple areas or
a large part of their body and scalp.
One of newest tools in phototherapy is lasers. Lasers emit
highly focused beams of light. Dr. Lee has all the latest UVB lasers
that are an even more effective way of directing UV light only to
certain areas of the body that are affected by psoriasis. This is the
best way to treat small areas without having to expose the whole body to
UV light. Laser therapy may require fewer treatments than conventional
Phototherapy with a UV light box or with a UVB laser is an
affordable way to control the look of psoriasis and help provide relief
to patients suffering from this disease. Dr. Lee has been expertly
trained and experienced in this advanced form of psoriasis treatment and
would be happy to schedule a consultation appointment with you to find
out if UV light box therapy is the solution to your skin concerns!