There are many technological devices available that physicians can utilize to help with the appearance of imperfections in the skin.
Intense Pulse Light (IPL) technology uses high intensity light to help make the skin look healthier and younger via a process called photorejuvenation. IPL Photorejuvenation can be used to treat the skin on the whole body, including the face, neck, chest, arms, and legs. IPL can help produce a more even skin tone and an overall more radiant complexion.
The IPL procedure helps in removing sun damage such as freckling, age spots, red and brown discolorations, rosacea, and broken blood vessels on the face, neck, chest, or any part of the body. IPL can also help with the finer lines and wrinkles.
The IPL treatments require no downtime and show gradual improvement over 4-6 treatments.
IPL treatments can also be used for hair removal.
Dr. Lee will sometimes combine the IPL with other modalities (including radiofrequency and lasers) to improve the effectiveness of the treatments.
For the patients looking for more dramatic results, Dr. Lee’s offers laser rejuvenation treatments.
If you are considering IPL photorejuvenation (sometimes referred to as Photofacial or Fotofacials), call Dr. Lee today and schedule a consultation. Dr. Lee has over 40 different laser and IPL cosmetic devices. With that large selection, Dr. Lee can choose the best technology for your needs.