Fotona IntimaLase
Many women who have experienced childbirth or a natural relaxation of the vaginal tissues may be dealing with problems such as lower sexual satisfaction. Often, the vaginal muscles are stretched and they relax over time due to aging or pregnancy. Patients who want discreet treatment for vaginal relaxation syndrome are encouraged to speak with Dr. Christine Lee, doctor at The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute to educate themselves further on the advantages of a treatment known as IntimaLase.

IntimaLase is a revolutionary new way to achieve vaginal tightening with the use of an Er:YAG non-ablative laser treatment using the Fotona 2940nm device. This device can help in stimulating the production of collagen in the area while also tightening the skin. This procedure has helped hundreds of women regain their confidence in life and in the bedroom. In fact, clinic results showed dramatic improvement in vaginal tightness and sexual gratification.
IntimaLase works by remodeling the collagen of the vaginal mucosa tissue and is better suited for this particular procedure than other treatments used in the past, including the CO2 laser. Many gynecologists and dermatologists have found this treatment to help women in regaining sexual confidence without dealing with problematic side effects or contraindications that can occur with other options. It also reduces downtime and healing necessary with traditional surgical methods of tightening the vaginal canal. The procedure is relatively comfortable, affordable, and safe to perform thanks to its unique, patent-pending design that eliminates the need for surgical intervention. Patients do not have to deal with any pre-op preparation and can achieve amazing results in just two treatment sessions.
If you are dealing with the problems associated with vaginal relaxation syndrome, speaking with a professional such as Dr. Christine Lee about procedures such as IntimaLase is the most beneficial solution. Taking the steps to seek treatment is often the hardest part, but once women learn about IntimaLase and discover how it works, they are comfortable with treatment by a quality doctor at The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute.