A laser is a device that concentrates a beam of amplified light of a specific wavelength. “Facial” is defined as a treatment to cleanse, exfoliate, nourish, or revitalize skin. When these elements are brought together in the hands of a Board-certified dermatologist, results are beautiful. With extensive background in laser therapy, Dr. M. Christine Lee developed the LaserLite laser facial for focused treatment as well overall facial rejuvenation. Patients come from across the region and far beyond for this effective advance in complexion care, available at The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute in Walnut Creek, CA.

How LaserLite aesthetic works
In the last half a century, lasers have made tremendous advances possible in medicine. The field of dermatology has especially embraced this technology. Dr. Lee has been heavily involved in research and innovation of laser protocols for dermatology, including development of LaserLite rejuvenating skin treatments.
KTP is a diode laser that emits intense light in the green spectrum. This wavelength penetrates deeply into skin tissue where various cells absorb the energy. For example, light from a diode laser targets oil-secreting sebaceous glands residing in the dermis, or middle layer of skin. A neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet or Nd:YAG laser has a wavelength of 1064 nm readily absorbed by red and brown pigments in the epidermis or outermost layer of skin. Dr. Lee’s LaserLite facial, utilizing the Laserscope Gemini device, combines the benefits of these two lasers into a dual treatment.
The LaserLite facial fades age spots and sun damage for more even skin tone. It also targets hema, the red pigment in blood, creating a thermal response that eliminates facial veins, and capillaries associated with rosacea.
Skin relies on a fibrous protein called collagen for structure and resiliency. As we age, however, the body tends to produce less new collagen than what is being depleted daily. Skin thins and sags. LaserLite facials, however, reverse that process. As laser energy passes through tissues, it stimulates the body’s natural remedial processes, primarily production of collagen. As a meshwork of fresh collagen forms, skin becomes thicker and tighter from within, smoothing fine lines and softening wrinkles at the surface.
This non-ablative treatment does not remove the surface layer of skin, so there is little discomfort and no social downtime. Patients my return to normal activities right after a LaserLite session, and wear makeup the next day. While some people see change right away, improvement in overall skin condition builds through a series of treatments (usually three to six) spaced about a month apart. Then, re-treatment once or twice a year helps to maintain a beautiful, healthy complexion.
Laser therapy for acne
Most people have acne at some time during their lives – puberty, pregnancy, menopause, or times of stress. LaserLite therapy is an ideal acne treatment, suitable for face or body. In Dr. Lee’s practice, it has proven to be more effective in clearing flare-ups and interrupting the cycle of outbreaks than intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy or topical medications. Plus, LaserLite therapy does not carry the risk of systemic side effects as oral acne medications can.
Get LaserLite therapy from the original source in Walnut Creek, CA – Dr. M. Christine Lee. Call (925) 528-0117 for an appointment at The Skin and Laser Treatment Institute.